Have you ever wondered what a conversation with your younger self would be like? Well, someone actually made it happen and it doesn’t involve a time machine.
“This is about as weird as it gets,” two different aged Peter “Stoney” Emshwiller’s agree as they both sit down to chat. Confusing as it might sound, Stoney set out to interview his future self in 1977 by recording various questions he wanted to ask himself in the future.
Now 38 years later, Stoney is answering these questions in a touching, and humorous way. His father recorded him with state-of-the-art of video equipment of the 1970s, and shot several possible reactions he may have to the answers of his future self.
One of the most touching moments is when the young Stoney asks how his family is, and future Stoney chokes up and tells him that she should spend as much time with them as possible. But on a lighter note, he asks himself whether he’s “exceedingly rich” to which older Stoney laughs while telling younger Stoney to stay away from his wife because she is only 12 years old in 1977.
Stoney released this video trailer on RocketHub in order to crowdfund the project so that he can complete the entire interview. Luckily his goal was met and was exceeded by 218%. The movie will be titled: “Later That Same Life”.
Brilliant. Now that’s what I call a long term project. What foresight to record the youngster’s various reactions to answers, as well as the very clever “older” interactions too.
I’m very impressed and we’ll entertained and looking forward to the full movie.
Well done and thanks for making my day.
Photographer, philosopher and author.
It definitely caught my attention, and it had all kinds of emotions too. Humor, sadness about his father, sarcasm, etc. I hope when he does finish the project he will be able to make it available on a website . I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on it. Thanks for the comment!