Instagram, the wildly popular photo-sharing app, recently added a new feature that lets you switch between your multiple Instagram accounts. The new feature will work great for photographers that need to run multiple photography pages without having to sign in and out of different accounts.
But hey, it’s even great for people who want to manage their pets Instagram, personal page, and maybe even one for some good ol’ fashioned trolling 😉
Here are the exact instructions from Instagram on adding multiple accounts:
You can add multiple Instagram accounts to switch between them without having to log out and log back in. To add multiple Instagram accounts:
- Go to your profile and tap
in the top right
- Scroll down and tap Add Account
- Enter the username and password of the account you’d like to add
To switch between accounts you’ve added:
- Go to your profile
- Tap your username at the top of the screen
- Tap the account you’d like to switch to
* Note that you can add up to 5 accounts.
For more help and information on the new multiple account feature, click here.
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